iDDEN delivers data exchange services that seamlessly integrate on-farm dairy equipment, devices, and software with national dairy information systems and databases.
A range of partnership opportunities exist for milking equipment manufacturers, other companies with dairy-related equipment or sensors, farm management software providers, and milk recording or dairy industry organisations that collect and move on-farm data.
Farmers benefit from more efficient data exchange and retain control of their data through authorized access.
Equipment and technology manufacturers can use the iDDEN Data Exchange Hub as a single universal interface with dairy organisations around the world.
Milk recording organizations, software providers, and other farm service providers can implement and maintain a single universal data interface to connect with multiple companies and systems.
iDDEN features include:
Designed for both farm‐based software and cloud-based data repositories.
Uses authentication systems to protect data exchange.
Based on the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) animal data exchange (ADE) standard (where possible).
Uses open standards.
Provides technical implementation support, tools, and collaboration.
The International Dairy Data Exchange Network enables the common exchange of different data sources in an efficient manner.